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Model 752S znów dostępny! Mamy świetną wiadomość!

Nowości Benelli na targach EICMA 2022 - krótkie podsumowanie wideo Zapraszamy do obejrzenia krótkiego podsumowania nowości Benelli zaprezentowanych na targach EICMA 2022 w Mediolanie.

TRZY RAZY ADVENTURE, STREETFIGHTER NA A2 I DWIE ĆWIARTKI: NOWOŚCI BENELLI NA SEZON 2023 - Świat Motocykli krótkie podsumowanie nowości Benelli od Świat Motocykli

LEONCINO 800 TRAIL - WKURZONY KOCUR, CZYLI PO DOBROCI NIE DA RADY Koncept motocykla Leoncino 800 przedstawiono już w 2019 roku, lecz do produkcji na szerszą skalę model 800 wszedł dopiero w 2022. Zaprojektowany we Włoszech motocykl posiada silnik, jaki wcześniej nap…

LEONCINO 125 - WŁOSKI CASANOWA POWRACA Pierwsze Leoncino pojawiło się w 1951 roku. Miało silnik o pojemności 125 cm3. Pojemność ta nierozerwalnie towarzyszyła modelom Leoncino opuszczającym zakłady w Pesaro – za wyjątkiem jedynie tych rozw…


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Benelli i MOTO.APP przedstawiają aplikację myBenelli! Benelli i MOTO.APP przedstawiają aplikację myBenelli!Benelli prezentuje aplikację myBenelli, która została zaprojektowana po to abyś zawsze był połączony ze swoim motocyklem, dzielił się swoimi tra…

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Startuje sezon 2020 Nowy sezon już właściwie startuje, a wraz z nim pojawią się u nas nowości. Jakie?Benelli BN 752 SPo raz pierwszy wprowadzamy do oferty motocykl z mocnym, dwucylindrowym silnikiem o pojemności 750 cm3!…

Bajaj Dominar 400 VS Benelli BN 302 VS BMW G 310 R Bajaj Dominar 400 VS Benelli BN 302 VS BMW G 310 R

Niedawno ekipa Świat Motocykli wybrała się kilkoma motocyklami w Bieszczady, w tym naszym testowym TRK 502 X. Posłuchajcie, co Tobiasz ma o nim do powiedzenia. https://youtu.be/XlopEtz52-s
Pewnie już przeczytaliście niejeden test motocykla #TRK502X, ale i tak polecamy Wam kolejny :) http://www.motocyklicznie.pl/testy/benelli-trk-502-x-test-motocykla/#more-1450
Niedawno w Pesaro we Włoszech odbyła się klimatyczna impreza z udziałem świetnych maszyn Benelli. To kiedy robimy takie na naszym podwórku? :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7Hjsmd7nJ0
Benelli Leoncino i customowe wydechy?
Śliczne, srebrne #Benelli #Leoncino właśnie jedzie do nowego właściciela. Ale ów właściciel ma pewne niecne plany… Wkrótce dowiecie się, jakie ;)
Zobaczcie, jak radzi sobie TRK 502 (tak, tak, bez X-sa) pod doświadczonym riderem
Nasz X wrócił z testu Świat Motocykli cały i zdrowy. Przywiózł ze sobą trochę bieszczadzkiego terenu. No to... hop pod prysznic!
Doskonałe informacje z włoskiego rynku motocyklowego :) Ale u nas w kraju jednoślady z Pesaro też mają się bardzo dobrze
Czerń i biel. Dwa różne charaktery, dwa zupełnie inne doznania z jazdy. Nie ukrywamy, że jesteśmy fanami obu tych maszyn
Benelli Leoncino Trail we właściwym swojemu charakterowi otoczeniu. Jest pięknie.
Wakacje niby już się skończyły, ale to nie znaczy, że nie można ich sobie jakoś przedłużyć
Słowo się rzekło: TRK 502 X jedzie na testy do redakcji Świat Motocykli. Kto wie, może ktoś z Was wypatrzy go gdzieś w Bieszczadach?
Leoncino jako maszyna do „grubej” turystyki? Jasne!
Za kilka dni nasz testowy TRK 502 X wybiera się w ekscytującą podróż z ekipą Świat Motocykli. A skoro tak, to musi się przecież prezentować jak najlepiej. Bez szorowania się nie obejdzie
Jesteśmy bardzo ciekawi, w jaki sposób dowiedzieliście się o istnieniu marki Benelli lub o poszczególnych modelach pojazdów. Dlatego zachęcamy Was do wzięcia udziału w miniankiecie. Jeśli w inny spos…
Dzień dobry, Przyjaciele
TRK 502 X to kolejna, ciekawa propozycja od Benelli dostępna w Polsce. Motocykl już fabrycznie został przyzwoicie wyposażony w przydatne akcesoria. A co najlepsze, nie zrujnuje Waszego portfela :) No …
Bulwarowo-terenowy #Leoncino #Trail doskonale czuje się w mieście, a Ty razem z nim
Jeśli nie widzieliście jeszcze Leoncino Traila na żywo, koniecznie powinniście odwiedzić wybranego dealera i to nadrobić :) Warto dodać, że oczywiście posiada system ABS oraz występuje także w znanym …
Sieć dealersko-serwisowa Benelli rośnie w siłę!
Jest! Czarny, piękny i wyjątkowy: #Leoncino500 #Trail. Znajdziecie go u naszych Dealerów. Na żywo zyskuje jeszcze bardziej. Cena? Niecałe 23.000 PLN.
Mamy dla Was świetną wiadomość
Nowy #TRK502X występuje w trzech atrakcyjnych malowaniach. Który kolor wybieracie?
Nowy #Leoncino #Trail czarny czy czerwony? Który styl bardziej Wam odpowiada?
W aktualnym numerze Motocykl - a znajdziecie pouczający i ciekawy, naszym zdaniem, test #Leoncino500. Ten sympatyczny mieszczuch naprawdę od razu wprawia w dobry nastrój :)
Mieliście już okazję widzieć Leoncino Trail na żywo?
A tutaj macie jeszcze kilka zdjęć „od kuchni"


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Your privacy on the Benelli website

This website is managed by Benelli Q.J. S.r.l. (“Benelli”). The main purpose of this site is to provide you with the Services we offer related to our website. We want you to feel safe when you visit our website, and we are committed to protecting your privacy during this visit.

Before you use and contribute information via this website, we advise you to read our Privacy Statement and our Privacy Policy and agree to the terms they contain.

Your decision to contribute your Personal Data is voluntary. However, since registration of a personal account and the use of our Services require personal data, you cannot use this site unless you contribute your Personal Data.

About us

Benelli is a company which develops and produces motorbikes, with registered office at Strada della Fornace Vecchia, sn, 61122 Pesaro (PU), Italy, belonging to the Qianjiang group headquartered in Wenling, Zhejiang province, China.

The data controller has designated a Data Protection Officer (DPO), who can be contacted by email at dpo@benelli.com or by writing to Strada della Fornace Vecchia sn, 61122 Pesaro (Italy).

Which data do we collect?

The Personal Data we collect from you include your name, address, email address and IP addresses and data regarding the pages you visit and when.

Personal Data may include:

  • Personal Data which you contribute to us, such as your email address and your country/region; if you use your social media account to access or register for a personal account on the Benelli website, we may also collect any information in the public domain associated to your social media account. If you make a purchase on the Benelli website, we will collect your name, postal/shipping/billing address (including postcode), contact information, email address, credit card number or other payment service information.
  • Personal Data supplied to us through your use of the Benelli Services, such as device, register or position data.

We do not collect sensitive personal data.

We also collect Personal Data through the use of cookies. Cookies are small data files which store and recover information about your visit to this website - such as how you accessed our website, how you browsed the site, and which information was of interest to you. For further information about cookies, please read our cookie policy.

How do we use your data?

We analyze your data to find out what works best on our website, to define the most appropriate ways of improving it, and, finally, to decide how to change our site to make it more effective for you and other users. We may also use your data for other purposes, when we are authorised to do so by law, such as to comply with requests from public authorities or to conduct internal investigations. Find out more about how we use your Personal Data.

We may also send you emails on your request. If you have subscribed to our newsletter and have agreed to receive further communications, we may also send you marketing emails, such as product updates or other marketing information regarding our products and services. Please remember that you can withdraw your consent at any time.

Will we share your data with third parties?

Since we are a global organization, the data we collect may be transferred internationally within the worldwide Benelli organization. We may also share your data with third parties such as our service providers.

We restrict access to personal data concerning you to employees we consider have a reasonable need to come into contact with these data for the supply of products or services or to perform their duties. Our staff are trained regarding their data protection obligations.

International transfer of personal data

You recognise and agree to the transfer, storage, use or processing of your data at/by Benelli and its affiliated companies and/or its service providers which might be located in a country other than your own. All the aforesaid transfers, storage or processing of your data will be subject to the Privacy Policy and the relevant laws with regard to the protection of the privacy and security of personal data.

We use approved contractual clauses for the international transfer of personal data collected in the European Economic Area and Switzerland. As a global company, Benelli has a series of legal entities in different jurisdictions, which are responsible for the personal data which they collect and which are processed on their behalf. Find out more about Benelli’s global organization.

How do we protect your data?

The protection of your data matters to us. We process your data in compliance with the relevant data protection legislation, and we will adopt appropriate measures to guarantee this website’s security. We provide physical, electronic and procedural guarantees compliant with Italian laws and regulations to protect your data, including, but not limited to, those set forth in the General Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 (“GDPR"). We will ensure that we have adequate physical and technological measures to protect your data, wherever they are stored. When we outsource any process, we will ensure that the supplier has adequate security measures.

How can you access, change or erase your data?

For any query regarding the processing of your personal data or to exercise any of the following rights, please contact us at privacy@benelli.com.

  • You are entitled (in the circumstances and on the conditions, and with the exceptions, envisaged by the relevant law), to:
  • Request access to the personal data concerning you which we process: this right enables you to find out whether we hold personal data concerning you and, if so, to obtain information about and a copy of the said data.
  • Request the rectification of your personal data: this right entitles you to have your personal data corrected if they are inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Object to the processing of your personal data: this right entitles you to ask Benelli to stop processing your personal data.
  • Request the erasure of your personal data: this right entitles you to request the erasure of your personal data, also when the data are no longer necessary for the achievement of the relevant purposes.
  • Request the restriction of the processing of your personal data: this right entitles you to ask Benelli to process your personal data only in limited circumstances, including with your consent.
  • Request the portability of your personal data: this right entitles you to receive a copy (in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format) of the personal data you have contributed to Benelli, or to ask Benelli to transmit those data to another controller.

To the extent that the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you will be entitled to withdraw this consent at any time by contacting us here. Bear in mind that this will not affect Benelli’s right to process the personal data obtained before you withdrew your consent, or its right to continue parts of the processing which have legal bases other than your consent.

If, in spite of our best efforts to protect your personal data, you believe that your rights to privacy have been violated, we urge anyone to contact Benelli before taking any other action, in order to find a solution to any complaint. You are entitled to submit a complaint directly to the competent supervisory authority, or to bring an action against Benelli before a competent court (in the country where you live or work or in the country where you maintain that data protection law has been breached).

What are your rights with regard to marketing communications?

You may exercise your right not to receive marketing communications by ticking some boxes in the form below, which we use to collect your personal data, or by exercising your right to object in the email messages we send you. You may also exercise the right to stop receiving marketing communications at any time by contacting us. In this case, we will conserve minimal personal data to record the fact that you object, and will not contact you again.

How long do we store your data for?

We store your personal data for the time needed to pursue the purposes stated in this Privacy Statement, unless the law requires or permits a longer storage period.

Where can I get more information?

You will find more information about the procedures and purposes of the use of your data, and the rights you can exercise regarding your data, in our Privacy Policy.

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